In the second half of April, we’re launching a new Kickstarter project: WARCELLS!
This set has everything you need for a full-fledged skirmish game: two badass teams—The 3rd Death Division and Maverick Cultists, dynamic terrain, and a ruleset for OnePageRules system.
Before the battle begins, read the latest story of the 3rd Death Division—and witness what it truly means to fight without fear.
No Way Out (Except Through)
The 3rd Death Division didn’t believe in last stands. Not because they feared death—hell, half of them looked like they’d already died once—but because last stands meant giving up. And giving up was for people who hadn’t signed away their souls for another day of glorious violence.
So when Sergeant Grigg and his team found themselves cornered in the ruins of Outpost Theta, outnumbered, low on ammo, and surrounded by an enemy force that actually knew what they were doing, the only thing on his mind was how annoying it was going to be to clean blood out of his armor. Again.
Koss fired the last round from his heavy bolter and threw the empty drum aside. “Well, we’re boned.”
Dorn checked the grenade he was holding, then shrugged. “We had a good run.”
Grigg scowled. “Oh, shut up. No one’s dying until I say so.”

Silence. Then, Dorn cleared his throat. “Uh… sarge?”
Grigg sighed. “Yeah?”
“I think the snipers are waiting for us to surrender.”
Grigg took a deep breath, stretched his neck, and then, with a completely straight face, yelled:
“WE SURRENDER! …Koss, light ‘em up.”
The moment the enemy troops peeked out to accept the “surrender,” Koss—who had been crouched behind a pile of corpses—unleashed a full salvo from the last working autocannon they’d salvaged.
Bodies hit the ground in a spray of red mist.
Dorn winced. “That’s definitely a war crime.”
Grigg reloaded his pistol. “Only if we lose.”
The enemy panicked, their careful formation dissolving into chaos. The 3rd Death Division, running on spite and sheer disrespect for mortality, charged forward. Dorn lobbed his last grenade, Koss grabbed an enemy by the throat and used him as a human shield, and Grigg personally introduced a captain’s face to the back of his rifle.
Minutes later, the enemy was gone, either dead or running for their miserable lives. Outpost Theta was theirs.
The comms crackled. “This is Command. You’ve secured Theta?”
Grigg, sitting on a pile of bodies, took a deep breath. “Yeah. But tell the medics to bring body bags. For them, not us.”
A pause. “How many?”
Grigg looked around. Thought for a second.
“All of them.”