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Self-printed tabletop game
"Rock Head. 
Gangs Arena"

Have time to purchase at a bargain price, do not miss out on special offers

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Rock Head. Gangs Arena

This new game for two players is an exciting and engaging project, a tactical turn-based strategic competition. The game takes place on an open field, where players control various battle units. The aim of the game is to defeat your opponent with tactical maneuvers and power. All units have unique properties, all battles take place in unique and interesting ways, and the tactical depth provides an additional adrenaline rush, which is always welcome!

Join our Discord channel and our Facebook group or Instagram for more infos, release images, or just to say hi!

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Rock Head City


The world is plunged into chaos. States have been destroyed, and in their place have risen mega-states that are fighting for domination of the planet. The lives of ordinary people are of no interest to them at all. Resources are limited and distributed from the centers-capitals. Resources must go to the strongest, so once every six months there's a death match. Where teams of provincial districts fight in the arena for the right to live in the world.

In the city of Rock Head, the streets are ruled by gangs who are seriously preparing for the games and are willing to do anything to win. Therefore, the Gangs Arena of this city attracts a lot of interest from spectators.

Rock head - is a self-printable tabletop dynamic wargame powered by taiga miniatures.
If you’re exhausted by the multiple page rules and long game lenght, try this!
Rock head makes it easier to dive deep into wargaming - fast games, miniatures, which you can use in any other wargame, a story whose ending ending depends only on you, and our whole community with support.

Genre: postapocalypse skirmish wargame
Players: 2
Game time: 20-30 min
Age: 14+
Difficulty: normal

8 simple steps for first time fun preparation:

  1. Read free rules

  2. Print Miniatures

  3. Print "Scaffold Columns

  4. Prepare D6 dices - white (x6), red (x2) or any other different colors

  5. Print Character cards - equal to the number of miniatures used

  6. Print Weapons Memo

  7. Print Playing fields

  8. Invite a friend


About pledges


1/ Early Bird pledge
Luck favors the fastest and most agile in the rock head arena - they will get everything: resources with a 25% discount, eternal glory and honor in the annals of history, as well as a month pass to the special zone, where winners can collect a new army, vehicles and more for free.

early bird.jpg

2/Citizen pledge
Luxury does not tolerate fussiness. you are an honorable citizen of the city and know you won’t let go. You’ll get all resorces: base game with pre-assembled models and all unlocked stretch goals


About the factions​

Two major factions are fighting for life and resources in this city. Whose side will you take?


About us

This is a project from Taiga Miniatures - DakkaDakka.Store's subsidiary. We are happy to announce news for fans of miniature wargames. First project from Taiga Miniatures is ready -  exciting tabletop game that are sure to appeal to gamers of all ages and skill levels.

Visit our socials:

  • DakkaDakka.Store Instagram - news, contests, giveaway, wip, photos of painted miniatures and much more. 

  • DakkaDakka.Store Patreon - a place where you can not only assemble your armies of miniatures cheaply, but also influence how they will look and what they will be like. Merchant tier is also included.

  • TaigaMiniatures Patreon - a place where comics and miniatures merge. This is where the history of ROCK HEAD is written, and you will be the creator of the story. You decide whether the characters live or die, where the story will turn, and what the miniatures will be. Now we're at the beginning of the journey - a great opportunity to customize the world to your personal liking!

  •  Discord server - the place where all the news is discussed. A cozy community of like-minded people, and live communication with us.


Taiga Miniatures, as well as the DakkaDakka.Store is been known for the intricate and detailed miniatures, and now it has evolved into tabletop games drection. Each miniature is sculpted with the most delicate details to ensure that gamers get the best experience possible. Rules tested on ourselves and our friends and even on our team cat.


Details about pledges

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Have time to purchase at a bargain price, do not miss out on special offers

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