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Stormbringers on FRONTIERS

North is in their blood!

The snowy peaks will be stained with the blood of their enemies.

Ruthless, impetuous, endurant - Stormbringers are accustomed to harsh environmental conditions and feel at home in them.

Together with faithful allies - riding wolves and wolves spirits, they are indestructible.

The Stormbringers were created in the distant past, by a powerful group of magic users known as the Order of the Four Winds. The Order sought to create an unstoppable force of warriors, capable of defending their kingdom from the onslaught of enemy forces.


Using a combination of powerful magical spells and advanced technology, the Order fashioned a suit of armor from a powerful metal alloy. The metal was said to be forged from the heart of a star, granting its wearer incredible strength, speed, and resistance to damage.


The armor itself was made of an exoskeleton, allowing for maximum maneuverability and protection. The Order then went on to imbue the armor with powerful enchantments, granting its wearer superhuman abilities. Finally, the Order created a special weapon to accompany the armor, a massive sword known as Stormbringer, which could unleash lightning and fire upon its enemies.


The Order believed that the combination of these powerful tools would make its wearer an unstoppable force, and they were correct. The Stormbringers proved to be a fierce and formidable opponent, capable of single-handedly confronting an army and emerging victorious. Thus, the Stormbringers have become legendary figures, revered for their courage and ability to protect their kingdom.



There are 5 tiers levels:

  1. URDR - Core set

  2. ALFHEIMR - Core Set + Stretch Goals

  3. MIDGARD - Core Set + Stretch Goals + stormbringers add-ons

  4. MIDGARD EARLY BIRD - 30% discount for Core Set + Stretch Goals + stormbringers add-ons

  5. ASGARD - Merchant pledge

1. URDR - Core set​

Contains assembly kits for your first Stormbringers warriors.

URDR - Core set.jpg

2. ALFHEIMR - Core Set + Stretch Goals

Contains assembly kits from core set + all currently unlocked stretch goals. All unlocked goals will also be added after purchase as they are reached.

3. MIDGARD - Core Set + Stretch Goals + stormbringers add-ons

Contains assembly kit from core set + all currently unlocked stretch goals + stormbringers add-ons. All unlocked goals will also be added after purchase as they are reached.

4. MIDGARD Early bird Core Set + Stretch Goals + stormbringers add-ons

30% discount only for the first 72 hours! Contains assembly kits from core set + all currently unlocked stretch goals + stormbringers add-ons. All unlocked goals will also be added after purchase as they are reached.

5. ASGARD - Merchant pledge

1 year license for all unlocked stretch goals, stormbringers add-ons and core set.

5 - ASGARD - Merchant pledge.jpg

All pioneers are guaranteed to receive 20% discount on the next project of the wargame bits series.


Pre-supported & test printed

Pre-supported & test printed.jpg


$6 000

Weapons upgrade set

1-milestone-Weapons upgrade set.jpg

$8 000

Icebreakers squad

2-milestone-Icebreakers squad.jpg

$10 000

Olaf the White Fang

3-milestone-Olaf the White Fang.jpg

$12 000

Wolfriders squad

4-milestone-Wolfriders squad.jpg

$14 000

Äsver the Stormfather

5-milestone-Äsver the Stormfather.jpg

$16 000



$18 000

Dangran. Father of Ethereal Mountains

7-milestone-Dangran. Father of Ethereal Mountains.jpg

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